Sunday, April 22, 2012


Monocots: embryo with 1 cotoleydon, pollen has single furrow, flower parts are multiples of three, leaf veins are parallel, stem vacular bundles are scattered, roots are adventitious, secondary growth is absent.
Examples of Monocots: Corn, grass, banana, tulips, grain, canna
Dicots: embryo with 2 cotoleydons, pollen has 3 furrows, flower parts are in multiples of 4 or 5, leaf veins reticulated, stem vascular bundles in a ring, roots develop a radicle, secondary is often present.
Examples of Dicots: Bean, mango, apple, roses, potato, pumpkin, maple


The stamen is the male reproductive organ.

The anther is part of the stamen that makes pollen grains, which have male germ cells.

 The filament is the stalk of the anther, and thus part of the male reproductive organ.

The stigma is part of the flower that pollen can stick to.

The style raises the stigma away from the ovary in order to avoid contamination by the pollen.

The ovary produces ovules, which have the female germ cells.

The carpel is the female reproductive parts of the flower which includes the stigma, style, ovary, and ovule.

 Petals aid in pollination and help protect the sex organs. Sepals support the petals and protect the floral parts.


Phloem is the tissue used in translocation & it carries organic material, mostly sucrose, to all parts of the plant. It mainly transports soluble organic matter that was produced during photosynthesis to parts of the plant that are non-photosynthetic. Phloem is made up of living cells, where as xylem is mainly dead cells.
 Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves and produces carbohydrates (food). Translocation sends these carbohydrates to parts of the plant that are non-photosynthetic. The carbohydrates are accompanied by other materials such as organic and non organic materials. The food is then re-located to other parts of the plant.


Transpiration is water vapor leaving the plant through cells called stomata. This may occur in leaves, roots, flowers, and stems. Transpiration happens when stomata cells are opened. This process is necessary in order to let in carbon dioxide from the air to use in photosynthesis. Transpiration can cool off the plant, change the osmotic pressure of the cells, and make mass flow of nutrients and water from roots to shoots possible. Turgor pressure is caused by the osmotic flow of water from an area of low solute concentration outside of the cell to a higher solute concentration in the vacuole. This pressure pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall of the plant. The vascular tissue transports water and nutrients through out the plant,There are two main tissues that carry out the functions of the vascular tissue; the xylem and the phloem. There are two meristems within the vascular tissue, the vascular cambium and the cork cambium.

Xylem is a type of tissue within the vascular tissue of a plant. It transports water from the roots through the rest of the plant. It also replaces water that was lost from photosynthesis and transpiration. Xylem is made up of two cell types called tracheids and vessel elements. These cells are long and the vessel elements are connected together into tubes called vessels. Stomata are pores in leaves and stems epidermis that are used for gas exchange. Guard cells are what protect the stomata...exactly like what a guard does. Guard cells control the size of the opening in the stomata. Oxygen and carbon dioxide enter the plant through stomata. These are used in photosynthesis and cellular respiration as well. At the same time, oxygen is leaving the plant, along with water vapor. The guard cells are wrapped around the stoma, which makes a circular shape around the stoma.
Soil & Plant Growth:
not enough nutrients, so plant growth is not well. A high amount of nutrients is needed, and if this is successful, the plant will thrive. Clay and sand negatively affect draining of plants therefore it'll cause them to not grow well. Lastly, plants anchor themselves in the soil, so if there is not much then they will not last through wind and storms.

Now, the casparian strip is part of cell wall that is chemically different on the endodermis. The endodermis is the innermost layer in some plants that lays between the cortex and the stele. It blocks the passive flow of things such as water and solutes into the stele. The stele is considered the root or stem. 


The sporophyte reproduces through meiosis to make spores.
The spores reproduce by mitosis to make gametophytes.
A male gametophyte fertilizes a female gametophyte.
The zygote becomes a sporophyte through mitosis.
This process is called alternation of generations.


MONOCOT/DICOT (primary growth)...

meristem---> growth does not arise from a single cell but from growth zones; groups of dividing cells occur. They consist of undifferentiated cells that have the capacity to divide. The first meristems can be found before seed germination. Usually during the early development of the plant embryo, two apical meristems arise, at the tip of the rootlet and at the tip of the shootlet. These two apical meristems lead to the formation of the primary meristems from which primary tissues arise: root tissue develops from the apical root meristem and leaves and original tissue layers in the stem develop from the apical shoot meristem.

monocots have no vascular cambium, although monocot vascular bundles are scattered throughout the cell.

Auxin---> located in embryo of seeds, young leaves, meristems of apical buds; stimulates cell elongation, vascular differentiation, induces adventitious roots on cuttings, involved in phototropism, gravitropism, stimulates ethylene synthesis, ect.

cytokinin---> located in synthesized in roots and transported to other organs; Stimulates cell division, involved in shoot growth, delay leaf sequence


DICOT --->


terminal bud- A bud that develops at the apex of a stem
node/internode-points on a stem where the buds, leaves, and branching twigs originate; sections of stem between nodes
bud- small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower.
tap root-The main root of a plant, usually stouter than the lateral roots and growing straight downward from the stem
primary/lateral root-extend horizontally from the primary root and serve to anchor the plant securely into the soil
root hairs-thin hairlike outgrowth of an epidermal cell of a plant root that absorbs water and minerals from the soil
leaf- a flat green part that grows in various shapes from the stems or branches of a plant or tree and whose main function is photosynthesis
cuticle/dermal tissue-protective outer layer of the plant




The primary root is what emerges through the seed coats as the seed is still in the soil. The hypocotyl, which is below the cotlyedons, comes out from the seed coats and pushes its way through the soil. It has a slight arch -hypocotyl arch- to it as it begins to grow up. The two cotyledons protect the plumule, which is the epicotyl-above the cotyledons-and first leaves, from mechanical damage. Once the hypocotyl arch emerges from the soil, it straightens out. This response is triggered by light. In many dicots, the cotyledons not only transfer their food stores to the developing plant, but also turn green and make more food by photosynthesis, until they drop off.

The primary root stabs into the seed's coverings and grows down. Then, the primary leaf of the plant grows up. It is protected as it pushes up through the soil by the coleoptile; which is a hollow, cylindrical structure. Once the seedling has grown above the surface, the coleoptile stops growing and the primary leaf stabs it as well.


It was not due to my lack of being a good parent, because I took care of my children. But no matter how many seeds I grew, each decided to die. Therefore, I will be using other photographs of monocot and dicot plants, but my own information and knowledge. Just letting the world know. Thank you.

-The Grieving Parent