MONOCOT/DICOT (primary growth)...
meristem---> growth does not arise from a single cell but from growth
zones; groups of dividing cells occur.
They consist of undifferentiated cells that have the capacity to divide. The first meristems can be found before
seed germination. Usually during the early development of the plant embryo, two
apical meristems arise, at the tip of the rootlet and at the tip of the
shootlet. These two apical meristems lead to the formation of the primary
meristems from which primary tissues arise: root tissue develops from the apical
root meristem and leaves and original tissue layers in the stem develop from the
apical shoot meristem.
monocots have no vascular cambium, although monocot vascular bundles are scattered throughout the cell.
Auxin---> located in embryo of seeds, young leaves, meristems of apical buds; stimulates cell elongation, vascular differentiation, induces adventitious roots on cuttings,
involved in phototropism, gravitropism, stimulates ethylene synthesis, ect.
cytokinin---> located in synthesized in roots and transported to other organs; Stimulates cell division,
involved in shoot growth, delay leaf sequence
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